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The Fine Print

As with all Polka Square Collection pieces, each item is a handcrafted piece of art and should be treated so. All items are final sale. Due to the limited, one-of-a-kind nature of the products, exchanges, refunds. and returns are not accepted. Keep this in mind prior to making purchases. Separate, complete orders cannot be combined.

Extremely high and low temperatures, water, such as bathing or swimming, and sprays, such as hairspray and perfume, could result in damage. Each pair of Polka Square Collection earrings includes a branded bag and plastic post-caps for protective purposes. The resin material can be scratched by sharp objects, other jewelry, etc.. Polka Square, LLC accepts no responsibility for such damage.

Brass naturally tarnishes over time. Safely and carefully keep your jewelry clean to length the lifespan and obtain the beauty of the metal.

It is important to keep in mind that Polka Square Collection is hosted by the e-commerce company, Big Cartel. Any item may be in multiple carts at one time, the final purchase is determined by the first completed transaction. Promptness when making purchases will enhance your opportunity to snag the item(s) you have your eye on. 

The site will undergo momentary maintenance just prior to each Collection release, usually 2-3 minutes before launch. Do not be alarmed. Simply refresh your browser promptly at the launch time.

All Techniques, Designs, Copy & Images © 2018-2019 Polka Square LLC

All Rights Reserved